Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Daughter's New Blog

So I finally got around to showing my daughter blogger, and she set up her own blog. She had already told me she wasn't very happy with the web page she had done through Uverse, mainly because it had a long convoluted, unmemorable name. Her blogger blog doesn't have much content right now, but she's moderately excited for two reasons. First she was able to pick out a name for it, one that she can remember and give easily to her friends. Second, there is a comment feature, and she envisions being able to use it to have online conversations with multiple friends. I know you can do the same with email, but I guess being easily able to have threaded conversations appeals to her.

She hasn't posted any pictures yet, but we did finally get around to getting pictures on the digital keychain she got for Christmas. My kids may not be as teched up as some others; I guess I'm just too mean and cheap; but they do have a few gadgets: Digital keychain, Wii, Ipods, plus time on the computer. Entertainment for kids these days is a far cry from what I had available in my day. Maybe I'll get around to comparing here sometime, but for now it just makes me feel old.

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